NM-Sen: Udall Raises $2.1 Million in 2Q

Crossposted at New Mexico FBIHOP

The Tom Udall fundraising machine is still running strong, with no signs of stopping — if anything, the fundraising efforts are gaining steam.

Democratic candidate Tom Udall has raised over $2.1 million in the second quarter for his Senate run according to a press release from his campaign.

In the second quarter, which ended at the end of the day on June 30, Udall raised more than he had in any other quarter so far.

“We are so grateful to Tom’s strong, statewide base of committed supporters for making this our best fundraising quarter so far,” said Udall campaign manager Amanda Cooper in a press release. “Because of their generous support our campaign is able to knock on thousands of doors, have a strong statewide presence, and dominate the airwaves with hard-hitting TV ads.”

Udall’s most recent ad is “Tragedy” which speaks about his work on DWI laws.  The ad also invokes the infamous Gordon House crash where House killed four people while driving drunk nearly 20 years ago.

Since the May 14 pre-primary reporting deadline, Udall raised nearly $1.5 million. He had raised a little less than $640,000 between April 1 and May 14.

The campaign was not able to give firm numbers on how much they had spent in the quarter but will be able to do so when they file.  The filing deadline for all U.S. House and Senate races is July 15.

Udall’s previous quarterly high in fundraising was $1.3 million in the first quarter of this year.  In both the fourth quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2008, Udall outraised both of his Republican opponents, Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce.  Steve Pearce won a close primary election over Wilson, while Udall was unopposed.